Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Heidi Montag's Diet and Fitness

Heidi Montag seems to be getting thinner and thinner…the reality star claims she has never been on a diet in her life. So..does this mean she is naturally thin? When you have a look at what her diet consists of you will see that what Heidi Montag eats is pretty much a diet in comparison to what most people eat.

What Does Heidi Montag Eat?
lean protein and lots of veggies.
5-7 mini meals consisting of egg whites on oatmeal, ham on wheat sandwiches, sushi, and apples
no alcohol
sleeping at least 7 hours every day.

How Does Heidi Montag Workout?
Heidi has hired personal trainer John Damon to get her in shape. She requested he help her achieve a "dancers body look". She has definitely achieved this, her body is perfect. She's earned it!

weight training 3-5 days (leg lifts, squats, lunges and upper body weight lifting)
cardio 4-6 days for at least 30 minutes (incline speed walks)

Heidi Montag

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